
Traditionalism, as a theoretical system, is a way of perceiving and thinking peculiar to the military aristocracy. Traditionalism means respecting all the elements that traditionally make up the organic model of civilization and its heritage. The organic model of civilization indicates something that was being created for some considerable period of time and is based on certain precise archetypes, that are constantly repeated throughout the ages. This may be a nation, a group of nations under the umbrella of a particular empire, or a group of nations under the umbrella of a common spiritual and cultural identity. Traditionalism, as an ideological form, is contrary to the myth of progress that is typical of the society formed after the First bourgeois revolution in 1789. The myth of progress implies that things are constantly changing and improving from a less perfect state to a more perfect one. Traditionalism, on the other hand assumes that, although formally dynamic and seemingly changing, circumstances remain always based on the same essences or archetypes. Also, traditionalism does not exclude the possibility of anti-progress or counter-initiation. A powerful illustration of this are the majority of relevant manuscripts that deal with spirituality and eschatology. From the Vedas to the Holy Scriptures, there is always a similar epilogue at the end of time – a gradual regression from a perfect to a less perfect form, until the final “endkampf” and the end of time.